2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
中国坚持问需于民、问计于民,让人民当家做主。比如,此次“十四五”规划充分发挥互联网时代特点,大范围开展网上征求意见活动,广大人民群众通过网络渠道表达意愿、反映诉求。人民的事情由人民商量着办,这是真正的民主。 The Chinese government always solicits people"s needs, relies on their wisdom, and enables them to be their own masters. When drafting the 14th five-year plan, the Chinese government, taking into full consideration the role of the Internet today, collected a large number of comments and recommendations from online channels, allowing people to voice their will and appeals. People"s affairs are handled by themselves through consultation. This is true democracy.
民主不是开个峰会喊喊口号,更不应该是打压别国的政治工具。希望个别欧洲政客能够真正讲民主,为本国人民多谋点幸福和安全。 Democracy is not about throwing a summit and putting forward some slogans, still less should it be used as a political tool to suppress other countries. We hope a handful of European politicians can honor the spirit of democracy and do something real for their people"s safety and welfare.

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