2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视

湖北广播电视台记者:10日,伊朗外交部首次证实伊朗与沙特举行了会谈,伊朗外交部发言人哈提卜扎德在当天举行的记者会上表示,伊朗与沙特的会谈旨在讨论双边和地区关系。中方对此有何评论? HRTN: On May 10, Iran"s Foreign Ministry confirmed for the first time that Iran and Saudi Arabia held talks. Iran"s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said at a daily briefing that the talks are aimed at discussing bilateral and regional relations. What"s you comment? 华春莹:
Hua Chunying: We welcome this. China is happy to see relevant countries have communication and dialogue to improve relations, which is conducive to regional peace and stability.
Phoenix TV: As WHA registration closed yesterday, Taiwan said it didn"t get an invitation and claimed that suppression by the mainland led to the result. Taiwan"s foreign affairs authority called the mainland"s position on proper arrangement for Taiwan"s participation in WHO a lie and accused the mainland of misquoting UNSCR 2758 and relevant WHO resolution. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? My second question is, the Central American country Honduras that has no diplomatic ties with China is planning to acquire Chinese vaccines through neighboring El Salvador, which established diplomatic ties with China in 2018. Do you have any comment?
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