
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
And now she just decides she"s gonna hate me.
等我一下 Tom 没事 没关系
Just a second, tom. no, nothing.
做你自己的事 我只是想告诉你这个消息而已
Do your thing. i just wanna tell you the news.
你晓得的 我绝对没有做错什么
You know, i did a bsolutely nothing wrong.
你说了一大堆香槟什么的 它到底是指什么?
So what is it with all this champagne stuff?
哦 那个是 那个只是 一个比喻
Oh, that was that"s just it"s a metaphor.
对 但是我并不喝酒
Yeah. but i"m not drinking...
这才是重要的 对不对?
And that"s what"s important, right?
要小心你的比喻 只是一杯 对吗?
Be careful with your metaphors. just one drink, right?
她只能对你发怒 因为她不能对他发怒
She"s only mad at you because she can"t be mad at him.
他是你客户 而她不是 Simon Dunne才是你的客户
He was your client. she"s not. simon dunne was your client.
She"s still just incredibly angry about this.
那些是她的感觉 不是你的
Those are her feelings, not yours.
我知道 Steven 你得到所有已签署的文件
I know that, steven. you got the documents all signed.
收拾好离开 Gavin
Get in and get out, gavin.

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