
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
我们当然会力图趋乐避苦,康德并不否认这一点。边沁 (功利主义代表人物) 他否认的是边沁的这种观点,认为痛苦和快乐是人类至高无上的主宰。
He thinks that"s wrong. Kant thinks that it"s our rational capacity that makes us distinctive, that makes us special, that sets us apart from and above mere animal existence.
It makes us something more than just physical creatures with appetites. Now, we often think of freedom as simply consisting in doing what we want or in the absence of obstacles to getting what we want, that"s one way of thinking about freedom.
让我们不再是只拥有欲望的生物。我们通常认为 自由就是按照自己意愿行事,或是没有障碍地得到我们想得到的,这是我们对自由的一种看法。
But this isn"t Kant"s idea of freedom. Kant has a more stringent demanding notion of what it means to be free.
And though it"s stringent and demanding, if you think it through, it"s actually pretty persuasive. Kant reasons as follows: when we, like animals, seek after pleasure or the satisfaction of our desires or the avoidance of pain, when we do that we aren"t really acting freely.

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