
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
-...他马上就起床了 -我怀疑 三倍衰老症-他快要变成石头了
-He‘ll be up and about in no time. —I doubt it.
Petrifold regression, he"s turning to stone. There won"t be a cure for a thousand years.
没有治疗这种疾病的药方 噢 一千岁 他很快就能起来 不过是石头了
He might be up and about but only as a statue.
修女团体有着信念 但在这里没有人你是认识的?
Have faith in the Sisterhood.
But is there no one here you recognise?
来医院没有探访的病人 是不太符合常理的
It"s rather unusual to visit without knowing the patient.
不 我想我找到他了
No, I think I"ve found him.
Hame修女 如果我让这位绅士留下来 会不打扰你的护理工作
Novice Hame, if I can leave this gentleman in your care.
噢 我看我朋友迷路了 Rose Tyler 能在接待处帮我问一下吗?
Oh, I think my friend got lost. Rose Tyler. Could you ask at reception?
当然可以 先生
Certainly, sir.
I"m afraid the Face of Boe is asleep. That"s all he tends to do these days.
-这些天他几乎都在睡觉 -你们是朋友?
我们只是在一号月台上见过一次 他怎么回事了?
Are you a friend, or...
We met just the once. On Platform One. What"s wrong with him?
我很抱歉 我以为你知道

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