
2023-05-21 来源:飞速影视


图29《程氏墨苑》西岳华山仙掌崖、巨灵足细部,明,1605年,取自巫鸿《废墟的故事》,页62 图 1.38。


图30《三才图会》潜山图狮岩细部,明,1605年,取自《续修四库全书》册1233, 页156。
综观第一、二部分 “山水图”的讨论,针对道教《真形图》及风水图探讨其所反映的山水观、以及此类观念如何转化为图像上共通的视觉语言。从道教视觉文化的角度而言,《真形图》与风水图的共通性乃为道教与风水传统互融提供了视觉上的实证。虽然这两类图像功能及文化网络不同,但两者皆以类似流体状较抽象的符号、图案以传达山岳的真气和真形,揭发中国人对山水较形而上、内部的视觉。除了抽象图像的运用外,某些 “状物”的视觉原则,如将山形比拟为鸟形等,亦根据“形”与 “气”之关联原则,富有吉、凶等含义。合起来看,它们反映了山岳图像在 “山水图”传统中丰富多元的视觉表现。 
[1] 石守谦:《神幻变化:由福建画家陈子和看明代道教水墨画之发展》,《台湾大学美术史研究集刊》,2 期(1995年),页 47-74;石守谦:《从风格到画意:反思中国美术史》(台北:石头出版股份有限公司,2010年),页 29、155-166、329-350。
[2] 石守谦:《从风格到画意:反思中国美术史》,页 340、348。
[3] 这类跨学科的研究,可举 2007 年由 Francesca Bray 等人结集文史、艺术史等各方专论而成的论文集为例;见 Francesca Bray, Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann, and Georges Métailié, eds. , Graphics and Text in the Production of Technical Knowledge in China: The Warp and the Weft (Leiden: Brill, 2007). 有关更多对 “图”的讨论,见 Florian Reiter, “Some Remarks on the Chinese Word T’u, Chart, Plan, Design, ”Orient 32 (1990), 308-27; Robert E. Hegel, Reading Illustrated Fiction in Late Imperial China (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998); Catherine Despeux, “Talismans and Sacred Diagrams,” in Livia Kohn ed., Daoism Handbook (Leiden: Brill, 2000), 298-540; Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann, “Spatial Organization of Ancient Chinese Text,” History of Science, History of Text: Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 238 (2004),  3-47; Sarah Fraser, Performing the Visual: The Practice of Buddhist Wall Painting in China and Central Asia, 618-960 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003); Franciscus Verellen, “The Dynamic Design: Ritual and Contemplative Graphics in Daoist Scriptures,” in Benjamin Penny ed., Daoism in History: Essays in Honour of Liu Ts’un-yan (New York: Routledge. 2006), 159-86; Julia Murray, Mirror of Morality: Chinese Narrative Illustration and Confucian Ideology (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2007); Eugene Wang, “Patterns Above and Within: The Picture of the Turning Sphere and Medieval Chinese Astral Imagination,” in Wilt L. Idema ed., Books in Numbers (Cambridge: Harvard-Yenching Library and Harvard University Press, 2007), 49-89.

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