2023-05-21 来源:飞速影视
[7] 见施康强译,劳格文:《中国的文字与神体》,《法国汉学》,2 期(1997年),页 79。
[8] 关于符号在物质宗教研究上的定义,参考 Wei-cheng Lin, “Sign,” Material Religion 7.1 (2010): 100-107.
[9] Isabelle Robinet, Taoist Meditation: The Mao-Shan Tradition of Great Purity, translated by Julian F. Pas and Norman J. Girardot (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993), 163.
[10] (宋)张君房:《云笈七签》,卷 102(中华书局本),页 2207。英文翻译见 Kristofer Schipper, “The True Form: Reflections on the Liturgical Basis of Taoist Art,”《三教文献》4 (2005): 104-105.
[11] Franciscus Verellen 及 Kristofer Schipper 在编辑《道藏通考》时,将《道藏》里的经典分为 “一般流传”(ingeneral circulation)和 “内部流传”(internal circulation) 两大类。遑论这样的分类是否完全正确,至少它反映了道教文书有内外之别,有很多符图秘文,都是不对外传授或公开展示的。Kristofer Schipper and Franciscus Verellen, eds., The Taoist Canon, vol. 3, 1347-1392.
[12] “(C)laim to possess very precious, rare, and valuable knowledge, while simultaneously partially revealing and largely concealing it.”原文见 Hugh Urban,“ The Torment of Secrecy: Ethical and Epistemological Problems in the Study of Esoteric Traditions,” History of Religions 37.3 (1998): 235. 有关 Hugh Urban 归纳的七点宗教秘密主义之特点摘要,可见 Clarke Hudson, “Spreading the Dao, Managing Mastership, and Performing Salvation: The Life and Alchemical Teachings of Chen Zhixu,” (Ph.D. diss., Indiana University, 2007), 25-26. 与此相关的特质则为精英主义(elitism)。
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