“互联网 ”时代高中生小说阅读现状调查与对策建议

2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
“互联网 ”时代高中生小说阅读现状调查与对策建议
摘 要
关键词:互联网 ;高中生小说阅读;现状调查
In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile Internet, smart phones, mobile terminals, portable tablet computers and other devices have gradually become the main media of Internet communication. Therefore, with the support of the Internet, network novels, as the main part of network literature, are increasingly showing the characteristics of typification and diversification, so the reading objects are becoming more and more extensive. For high school students, reading is an essential way to accumulate knowledge in learning, including novel reading. "High school Chinese curriculum standard" requires students to "have a wide range of interest in reading, and strive to expand their reading horizons", and "extracurricular reading of literary classics (more than 5) and other reading materials should not be less than 1.5 million words". The reform of college entrance examination brings classic books into the examination content. Among them, the important part of novel reading has become the focus of reading teaching.

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