“互联网 ”时代高中生小说阅读现状调查与对策建议(2)

2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
In view of this, the author conducted an anonymous questionnaire survey on a high school in the city. Through the analysis and research of the survey results, it is found that there are some problems in the survey, such as the passive reading demand of high school students, the small amount of reading, the weak reading atmosphere, the poor reading habits, the lack of teacher guidance, etc.; the author makes some exploration and research on Teachers" neglect of reading novels. In this regard, the author believes that teachers should pay attention to the classroom, change the old teaching concept, respect the dominant position of students in novel learning, and stimulate students" interest in reading novels. We should change teaching methods, diversify novel classroom teaching, fully mobilize students" initiative in learning novels, extend extracurricular time, make rational use of extracurricular time, and scientifically plan and guide students to read extracurricular novels.
Keywords:Internet ; Novel Reading for Senior High School Students; Present Situation Investigation

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