
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
There were a few things that I changed over the past 30 days.
在过去的 30 天里,我改变了一些事情。
I did start going to the gym more, and now that I"m not traveling as much.
I also reduced my carbs partly because of the reduction in added sugar and it"s hard to pinpoint the exact percentage of benefit that I received from getting rid of sugar.
To steal a phrase from Dan Harris, I"d say maybe I was 10% healthier.
借用丹·哈里斯的一句话,我会说也许我变健康了 10%。
It definitely made a huge difference in my energy levels and in how I felt every day, and it was definitely nice to curb those cravings, because, who knows how bad it could have gotten, if I just kept snacking and kept going.
My dad-gut could have potentially turned into a grandpa-gut, which would have been really scary.
But going forward, I love sweets, I love dessert, big fan, and I don"t want to just get rid of it completely, because I think in this life we need to actually enjoy things, but I want to bring it back in moderation.

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