
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
The fruits did not lag behind the vegetables. It took two to eat a strawberry, and four to eat a pear. The grapes too, attained the enormous proportions of those so well depicted by Poussin in his-Return of the Envoys to the Promised Land.
It was the same with the flowers: immense violets spread the most penetrating perfumes through the air; exaggerated roses shone with the brightest colours; within a few days lilies formed impenetrable copses; geraniums, daisies, camelias, rhododendrons, invaded the garden walks, and stifled One another. And the tulips- those lovely blooms so dear to the Flemish heart - what emotion they must have aroused in their lovers! The worthy VanBistrom nearly fell over backwards one day, on seeing in his garden an enormous Tulipa gesneriana, a monster, whose cup formed a nest for a whole family of robins!
The entire town flocked to see this phenomenonal flower, and endowed it with the name of the Tulipa Quitluendonia.
But alas! If these plants, these, fruits, these flowers, grew visibly to the naked eye, if all the vegetables insisted on assuming colossal proportions, if the brilliancy of their colours and perfume intoxicated the smell and the sight, they quickly withered. The air which they absorbed rapidly exhausted them, and they soon died, wilted, faded, and dried up.

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