
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
Van Tricasse, the burgomaster, was forced to make police regulations concerning the domestic animals, as seized with madness, they made the streets of Ouiquendone unsafe..
But alas! If the animals were mad, the men were scarcely less insane. No age was spared by the scourge. Babies hitherto so easy to bring up, soon became quite insupportable; and for the first time Honore Syntax, the judge, had to apply the rod to his youthful offspring.
There was a kind of insurrection at the high school, and the dictionaries described formidable trajectories in the class-rooms. The scholars would not submit to being kept in, and anyhow the infection spread to the teachers themselves, making them overwhelm the boys and girls with preposterous tasks and punishments.
Another phenomenon! All these Quiquendonians, so sober before, whose chief food had been whipped Creams, committed wild excesses in their eating and drinking. Their usual diet no longer satisfied them. Each stomach was transformed into a gulf, and this gulf had to be filled by the most energetic means. The food consumption of the town was trebled. Instead of two meals there were six. Many cases of indigestion were reported. The Counsellor Niklausse could not satisfy his hunger. Van Tricasse found it impossible to assuage his thirst, and remained in a state of rabid semiintoxication.

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