
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
In short, the most alarming symptoms appeared and increased from day to day. Drunken people staggered in the Streets, and these were often citizens of high position.
Dominique Custos, the physician, had plenty to do with the heartburns, inflammations, and nervous affections, which proved to what a strange degree the nerve of the people had been irritated.
There were daily quarrels, brawls in the Streets of Ouiquendone, streets once deserted but now crowded; for nobody could any longer stay at home. A new police force had to be enlisted to control the disturbers of the public peace. A prison cell was built in the Town Hall, and it soon became full, night and day, with recalcitrants. Commissary Passauf was in despair.
A marriage was concluded in less than two months-such a thing had never been seen before. Yes, the son of Rupp, the schoolmaster, married the daughter of Augustine de Revere, and that only fiftyseven days after he had begged for her hand and heart!
Other marriages were decided upon, which, in old times, would have remained in doubt and discussion for years. The burgomaster realized that his own daughter, the charming Suzel, was escaping from his hands.

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