
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
In Which The Quiquendonians Make An Heroic Resolution
We have seen to what a deplorable state the people of Quiquendone were reduced. Their heads were in a ferment. They no longer knew or recognised themselves. The most peaceable citizens had become quarrelsome. If you looked at them askance, they would speedily send you a challenge. Some let their moustaches grow, and several - the most belligerent - turned them up at the ends.
This being their condition, the administration of the town and the maintenance of order in the streets became very difficult, for the government had not been organised for such a state of things. The burgomaster- that worthy Van Tricasse whom we have seen, so placid, so dull, so incapable of coming to any decisionthe burgomaster was in a continual temper. His house resounded with the sharpness of his voice. He made twenty decisions a day. scolding his officials, and himself enforcing the regulations of his administration.

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