
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
Ah, what a change! The amiable and tranquil mansion of the burgomaster, that good Flemish home- where was its former calm? What changes had taken place in your household economy! Mevrouw Van Tricasse had become acrid, whimsical, harsh. Her husband sometimes succeeded in drowning her voice by talking louder than she, but he could not silence her. The petulant humour of this worthy dame was excited by everything. Nothing went right. The servants offended her every moment. Everything was late. She accused Lotchè and even Tatanemance, her sister-in-law, who, not less irritable, replied as sharply to her. Mijnheer Van Tricasse naturally supported Lotchè, his servant, as happens in every good household; hence the permanently exasperation: Mevrouw Burgomaster who Constantly disputed, discussed, and made endless scenes with her husband.
"What on earth is the matter with us?" cried the unhappy burgomaster. "What is this fire that keeps devouring us? Are we possessed with the devil? Ah, Mevrouw Van Tricasse, Mevrouw Van Triasse, you"ll end by making me die before you, and thus violate all the traditions of the family!"

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