
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
Zhao Lijian: This is not the first or second time that a similar incident has occurred with TEPCO. Its preferred choice always seems to be altering data and concealing risks. As usual, it only admits to the truth when everything has been exposed and a hush-up is no longer possible. And no matter how shocking the findings are, it just attributes all to a sweeping pretext of "negligence" while leaving the disastrous consequences to the innocent public.
It is deeply distressing to have such a company handle something that bears on global ecology and human health. Even more unsettling is the attitude of the Japanese government. Instead of redressing the mistake and preventing further damage, it allowed such egregious incidents to happen time and again and to make things worse, it made the highly irresponsible unilateral decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima into the sea in disregard of doubts and objection at home and abroad and without exhausting safe disposal means, disclosing all relevant information, or fully consulting with neighboring countries and the international community.

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