
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视


法新社记者:上周六,立陶宛方面表示将退出中国与中东欧合作机制,称中方有关倡议在欧盟制造了分裂。中方对此有何评论?是否将采取报复措施? AFP: On Saturday, Lithuania said it was quitting China"s cooperation forum with the Central and Eastern European Countries, calling the Chinese initiative divisive. Does China have a comment on this? Should we expect a retaliation from China? 赵立坚:中国—中东欧国家合作是中国同中东欧国家共同倡议成立的跨区域合作机制,符合各方合作共赢、共谋发展的愿望,9年来取得了丰硕的成果,为各国人民带来实实在在的利益。
各方在推进合作过程中一贯秉持协商自愿、共商共建、开放包容的原则,坚持中国—中东欧国家合作是中欧关系有益和重要补充的定位,欢迎同其他国际组织和国家在合作框架内开展合作。当前,中国—中东欧国家领导人峰会各项成果稳步落实。中方愿同各方继续共享发展机遇和合作成果,推动中国—中东欧国家合作行稳致远。 Zhao Lijian: China-CEEC cooperation is a trans-regional cooperation mechanism established at the joint initiative of China and countries in central and eastern Europe. It embodies our aspiration for win-win cooperation and shared development. Nine years since its launch, China-CEEC cooperation has yielded fruitful outcomes and delivered tangible benefits to the people of participating countries. In advancing cooperation, the principle of voluntary consultation, joint contribution, openness and inclusiveness is always upheld by all parties. We always see this mechanism as a useful and important supplement to China-Europe relations and welcome its cooperation with other countries and international organizations. Steady progress has been made in implementing the outcomes reached at the China-CEEC summit. Going forward, China stands ready to continue sharing development opportunities and cooperation outcomes with relevant parties to realize steady and sustained growth in China-CEEC cooperation.

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