
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
中国将于今年10月在昆明举办《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会,大会将通过“2020年后全球生物多样性框架”,为未来10年乃至更长时间的全球生物多样性保护规划蓝图,国际社会对此高度关注。此次“国际生物多样性日”活动旨在同各方分享大会筹备最近进展,并就生物多样性议题深入交流,增强各方对保护生物多样性的认同,为大会凝聚共识、注入动力。 China will hold CBD COP15 in Kunming in October this year, which will adopt the post-2020 global biodiversity framework to draw a blueprint for the protection of biodiversity over the next decade and more. This has drawn high attention from the international community. This event marking the International Day for Biological Diversity is held to update other parties on COP15 preparation and enable all parties to have in-depth discussions on biodiversity, win stronger approval for biodiversity protection and consolidate consensus and inject impetus into COP15.
日本经济新闻记者:21日,美韩首脑同意废止美国将韩国导弹射程限制在800公里以内的《美韩导弹指南》。这会给中方的安保方面带来怎样的影响? The Nikkei: The US and ROK presidents on May 21 agreed to end the flight range guidelines that limited ROK missiles to 800 kilometers. What implications will this have on China in terms of security and defence? 赵立坚:中方在朝鲜半岛问题上的立场是一贯的、明确的。当前形势下,各方应共同努力,致力于维护半岛和平稳定、推进半岛问题政治解决进程。 Zhao Lijian: China"s position on the Korean Peninsula issue is consistent and clear. Under the current circumstances, all parties should make joint efforts to maintain peace and stability on the Peninsula and push forward the political settlement process of the Korean Peninsula issue.

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