
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视


韩国广播公司记者:对于韩美首脑会晤,中国政府有何评价?特别是对韩国企业对美半导体和电池等领域总价值394亿美元的投资计划有何评论?美国政府任命金圣镕为国务院对朝政策特别代表,中方对此持何立场?另外,中国国家主席习近平访韩时间备受关注,中方能否介绍一下最新进展? KBS: On the ROK-US summit, do you have any comment? In particular, any comment on ROK companies" plan to invest $39.4 billion in the US to produce semiconductor and batteries? What"s China"s position on the appointment of Ambassador Sung Kim as the United States" special envoy for North Korea? Also the timing of President Xi Jinping"s visit to the ROK has received much attention. Can you give us a clue? 赵立坚:
我刚才已经阐述了中方关于美韩联合声明的总体立场。 Zhao Lijian: I just elaborated China"s overall position on the US-ROK joint statement.
On your question about ROK companies" promise of investment in US semiconductor industry, I shall point out that in an era of globalization, the interests of countries are deeply intertwined. All countries should respect the laws of the market economy and the rules of free trade, and do more to ensure the stable and unimpeded global industrial chain and supply chain, and contribute to world prosperity and development. The ROK companies you mentioned also have a lot of investment in China and have close cooperation with China. I believe they will continue to play an important role in strengthening China-ROK economic and trade cooperation and moving forward bilateral relations.

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