
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
Zhao Lijian: Ms. Mikiko Matsuyama is the Chinese people"s old friend. Dedicated to deepening China-Japan friendship, she made important contributions to friendly exchanges between our two countries. We are saddened by her passing and extend our deep condolences.
松山女士是日本著名芭蕾舞表演艺术家,是松山芭蕾舞团的创始人。在中日邦交正常化之前,她就与其丈夫——已故的清水正夫先生一起,率松山芭蕾舞团积极开展对华友好交流,同中国人民结下深厚友谊。1955年,松山芭蕾舞团将《白毛女》改编成芭蕾舞,松山女士出演“白毛女”喜儿,在中日两国进行过多场演出,深受两国人民喜爱。去年,在中国全力抗击新冠肺炎疫情之时,松山芭蕾舞团专门录制视频表达对中方的支持,令人感动。松山女士为中日友好所作的贡献将被中日两国人民永远铭记。 Ms. Matsuyama, founder of the Matsuyama Ballet, is a renowned Japanese ballet performance artist. Even before the normalization of relations between China and Japan, Ms. Matsuyama and her husband the late Mr. Masao Shimizu used to lead the Matsuyama Ballet to China for friendly exchanges. During those trips, they forged a deep bond of friendship with the Chinese people. In 1955, the Matsuyama Ballet adapted the Chinese story "The White-Haired Girl" into a ballet with Ms. Matsuyama as the heroin Xi"er. The ballet was staged many times in China and Japan and and was applauded by the audience in both countries. Last year, when China was going all out to fight COVID-19, the Matsuyama Ballet recorded a heart-warming video message expressing support for us. Ms. Matsuyama"s contribution to China-Japan friendship will be remembered forever by both peoples.

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