
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
巴通社记者:巴基斯坦总理伊姆兰·汗在主持中巴经济走廊项目进度评估高层会议上表示,中巴经济走廊将为巴方乃至整个地区带来经济繁荣。中方对此有何评论? Associated Press of Pakistan: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan while chairing a high level meeting on the progress of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor projects stated that CPEC will not only bring economic prosperity to Pakistan, but also for entire region. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:
中方注意到伊姆兰·汗总理有关表态,对此表示赞赏。 Zhao Lijian: The Chinese side has noted and appreciates the relevant remarks made by Prime Minister Imran Khan.
“一带一路”是开放包容的国际经济合作倡议,旨在通过促进互联互通,实现各国共同发展。中巴经济走廊作为“一带一路”重要先行先试项目,自启动以来已在交通基础设施、能源、港口和产业园区等领域取得重大积极进展,同时也在积极向阿富汗等地区国家拓展延伸。这不仅有力推动巴基斯坦经济社会更快发展,也为区域互联互通发挥了积极促进作用。中方愿同巴方一道努力推动中巴经济走廊高质量建设,向更广大地区延伸,共同推动“一带一路”倡议在提升人民生活水平、促进地区互联互通和经济一体化方面发挥更大作用。 The BRI is an open and inclusive initiative for international economic cooperation, which aims to achieve common development of all countries by promoting connectivity. Since its launch, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), as an important pilot project of the BRI, has made significant and positive progress in such areas as transportation infrastructure, energy, ports and industrial parks. At the same time, it is also actively reaching out to Afghanistan and other regional countries. This has not only boosted Pakistan"s faster socioeconomic development, but also played a positive role in promoting regional connectivity. China is ready to work with Pakistan to boost the high-quality development of the CPEC and extend it to a wider region, jointly make efforts to enable the BRI to play a bigger role in improving people"s living standards and promoting regional connectivity and economic integration.

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