
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
《环球时报》记者:我们注意到上周英国最高法院退休法官戴森发表独立调查报告称,英国广播公司时事栏目《广角镜》前记者当年以欺诈手段获得采访戴安娜王妃机会,其行为违反BBC编辑指南,涉嫌撒谎。而BBC未能在事件中坚持高标准诚信和透明度,并在事后打压“吹哨人”,企图掩盖事实。中方对此有何评论? Global Times: It came to our notice that an independent inquiry published last week by the UK former supreme court judge John Dyson, revealed that the former reporter of Panorama, BBC"s current affairs programme, had engaged in "deceitful behavior" to secure a landmark interview with Princess Diana. The reporter was suspected of lying and his behavior violated editorial guidelines of the BBC. Moreover, BBC "fell short of the high standards of integrity and transparency" in handling this case, pressured the whistle-blower afterwards, and tried to cover it up. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:
我注意到相关报告,也注意到BBC前主席格拉德表示,BBC的包庇隐瞒行为远比当事记者骗访行为更为恶劣,“BBC新闻档案里还藏着多少不为人知的污垢”。 Zhao Lijian: I noticed relevant reports, and what is said by Lord Grade, the former chairman of BBC. He stated that the BBC"s cover-up had been worse than the reporter"s behaviour, and questioned that "how many more cover-ups are there in the files of BBC journalism that we haven"t been told about".

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