
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
汪文斌:美国参议院刚刚通过的这个法案中的涉华内容歪曲事实,诋毁中国发展道路和内外政策,渲染“中国威胁”,鼓吹开展对华战略竞争,在台湾、涉港、涉疆、涉藏等问题上严重干涉中国内政,充斥着冷战零和思维,与中美两国各界希望加强交流合作的普遍愿望背道而驰,中方对此坚决反对。 Wang Wenbin: The content on China in the bill just passed by the US Senate distorts facts, denigrates China"s development path and domestic and foreign policies, hypes up "China threat", advocating strategic competition with China, and gravely interferes in China"s domestic affairs on issues relating to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet. Filled with Cold War zero-sum mentality, it runs counter to the aspiration for more exchange and cooperation shared by people from all walks of life in both countries. China firmly rejects it.
美国怎么发展,怎么提升美国的“竞争力”,这是美国自己的事,但我们坚决反对美国拿中国说事,把中国当“假想敌”。美国最大的威胁是美国自己,把自己的事办好,比什么都重要。 How the US intends to develop and strengthen its competitiveness is its own business, but we are firmly against the US making an issue out of China and perceiving it as an imaginary enemy. The US is the greatest threat to itself. Getting its own house in order trumps all else.

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