
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
中国始终坚持走和平发展道路,我们发展的目标是不断提升自我,让中国人民过上更加幸福美好的生活。谁也不能剥夺中国人民享有的正当发展权利。 China is committed to the path of peaceful development. The objective of our development is to constantly improve ourselves and to enable the Chinese people to lead happier lives. Nobody can deprive the Chinese people of their legitimate right to development.
中方致力于同美方发展不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢的关系,同时将继续坚决捍卫国家主权、安全和发展利益。我们敦促美方端正心态,理性看待中国发展和中美关系,停止推进有关议案,停止干涉中国内政,以免损害中美关系大局和双方重要领域合作。 China is committed to developing a relationship with the US featuring no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation. That being said, we will continue to resolutely defend our sovereignty, security and development interests. We urge the US to adjust its mindset, look at China"s development and China-US relations in a rational light, stop pushing the relevant bill and stop meddling in China"s internal affairs to avoid undermining overall bilateral relations and cooperation in important areas.

中新社记者:日前中国欧盟商会发布《2021年商业信心调查》报告,报告显示60%受访企业计划于2021年扩大在华业务,较去年上升近10个百分点。中方对此有何评论? China News Service: The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China just released its Business Confidence Survey (BCS) 2021, showing that "six out of ten respondents indicated that they are considering expanding their current China operations in 2021", almost ten percentage point increase year-on-year. Do you have a comment? 汪文斌:

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