
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
一段时间以来,多个国际权威机构发布报告,认为中国统筹推进疫情防控和经济社会发展,在全球主要经济体当中率先实现经济正增长,为各国企业在华经营提供了有力保障。昨天,世界银行发布的最新一期报告将2021年中国经济增长预期上调至8.5%,再次证明国际社会对中国抗疫成果的肯定和对经济发展前景的信心。 For some time, several authoritative international institutions have released reports saying that China has been coordinating anti-epidemic and development efforts, and was the first major economy to register positive growth, providing a strong basis for the operation of foreign businesses in China. Only yesterday, the World Bank in its latest report revised China"s economic growth forecast up to 8.5%, which demonstrates the international community"s recognition of China"s anti-epidemic efforts and firm confidence in China"s economic prospects.
我也注意到,报告中提到欧洲在华企业的一些关切。我想强调的是,当前中国正在积极构建新发展格局。中国推动建设更高水平开放型经济新体制,构建市场化、法治化、国际化的营商环境,将为包括欧洲国家在内的各国企业带来更广阔的发展机遇,为中欧经贸合作开辟新的空间。中方将继续为包括欧盟国家在内的各国企业提供更好的营商环境,同时希望包括欧方在内的有关各方也能为中国企业到海外投资经营提供开放、透明、非歧视的营商环境。 I also noted in the report some concerns of European businesses in China. I would like to stress that China is actively building a new development paradigm, developing a new system of open economy of higher standards, and fostering an investment environment that is more market-oriented, law-based, and up to international standards. This will bring broader opportunities to companies of all countries, including in Europe, and open up new space for China-Europe economic and trade cooperation. China will continue to provide better business environment for foreign companies including European ones. At the same time, we hope others including the European side will also provide an open, transparent and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese companies in terms of investment and operation.

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