
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
我注意到有关报告。报告指出“中国市场的韧性为欧洲企业在新冠大流行风暴中提供了急需的庇护”,73%的受访企业表示去年实现了盈利,另有14%的受访企业表示实现了收支平衡,约68%的受访企业对所在行业未来两年的商业前景持乐观态度。报告还指出,四分之一的企业表示正在或即将加强在华供应链建设,约一半的受访企业表示他们在中国的利润率高于全球平均水平,这一比例远高于去年的数据。在新冠肺炎疫情仍持续蔓延、世界经济陷入严重衰退的背景下,报告数据充分体现了中欧经贸合作的强劲韧性、旺盛活力和光明前景。 Wang Wenbin: I have taken note of the report. It points out that "the resilience of China"s market provided much-needed shelter for European companies amidst the storm of the COVID-19 pandemic". "Roughly three in four companies still reported positive earnings before interest and tax (EBIT), with another 14% breaking even", the report says. About 68% percent are optimistic about growth outlook in their sectors for the coming two years. The survey also shows that a quarter of manufacturers are onshoring their supply chains into China and that 51% of companies report that their EBIT margins in China were higher than their worldwide average and much higher than the previous year. Against the background of the raging pandemic and a world economy in deep recession, the figures in the survey fully demonstrate the strong resilience, robust vitality and bright prospects of China-EU economic and trade cooperation.

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