
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
对于这些权威机构和专家的意见,日方应予以诚实回应,而不能充耳不闻,更不能罔顾国际公共利益,将福岛核废水往海里一倒了之。 The Japanese side should respond with honesty to these views from authoritative institutions and experts instead of turning a deaf ear. Still less should it disregard global public interests and simply dump the contaminated water from Fukushima into the sea and be done with it.
路透社记者:近日,加拿大情报部门称,2020年外国针对加拿大的间谍和干涉活动大幅增多,并将俄罗斯和中国列为特别关切对象。中方对此有何评论? Reuters: Canadian Security Intelligent Service said recently that foreign spying and interference in Canada increased significantly last year, and singled out Russia and China as particular causes for concern. Do you have any comment on this? 赵立坚:加拿大方面恐怕是贼喊捉贼吧?他们有什么证据吗?不能血口喷人吧? Zhao Lijian: I"m afraid Canada is playing the old trick of a thief crying "stop the thief". Does it have any evidence? No one should slander with impunity.
《南华早报》记者:黑山最近表示,2014年向中国贷款10亿欧元面临偿债困难。欧盟执委会周一表示,拒绝帮助黑山偿还有关债务。黑山副总理此前表示,欧盟应该帮助黑山,以避免这一欧盟候选成员依赖中国。中方对此有何回应?是否就此与黑山或欧盟有过沟通? SCMP: Montenegro recently said that it faces difficulties repaying China"s debt of one billion euros. The European Commission said on Monday that it won"t help Montenegro repay the debt. Montenegro"s Deputy Prime Minister said earlier that the EU should help the country refinance the loan to protect the EU candidate from becoming dependent on China. What"s your response? Have you talked about this with Montenegro or the EU? 赵立坚:

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