
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
Zhao Lijian: The US has been repeating the lie of the century that there is genocide in Xinjiang. Its obsession with smearing and slandering China only reveals its three-fold conspiracy. 第一,企图祸乱新疆、以疆制华。新疆幅员辽阔,地理位置重要,是丝绸之路经济带核心区和中国向西开放的门户。在涉疆问题上,美方一些人态度之疯狂,手段之阴险,堪称前所未有。美国对印第安人实施种族灭绝,贩卖和奴役黑人,动辄侵略干涉主权国家,所犯罪行罄竹难书,铁证如山。美方一些人却在涉疆问题上凭空捏造“拘留营”“种族灭绝”“强迫劳动”“系统性侵”等谎言,花样不断翻新,现在又居然要玷污雪白的棉花。
这些帽子其实都是美国的,他们还是留着自己戴吧。美国一些人关心的根本不是事实和真相,而是企图打击新疆棉纺织产业,破坏新疆繁荣稳定,迟滞中国发展进程。 First, disrupting Xinjiang to contain China. Xinjiang, a vast region with an important geographical location, is at the center of the Silk Road Economic Belt and a gateway for China"s opening-up on the west. On Xinjiang-related issues, some in the US are truly in a league of their own with their feverish minds and sinister means. The US committed genocide on native Indians, traded and enslaved black people, and wantonly invaded and interfered in sovereign countries. There is solid evidence for its numerous crimes. Some in the US concocted the lies of "detention camps", "genocide", "forced labor" and "systemic sexual abuse" on Xinjiang-related issues out of thin air. They also keep up a constant effort to refurbish their lies. Now they even attempt to target snow-white cotton in Xinjiang. The accusations they place on China are better left to the US itself. The last thing those in the US care about is facts and truth. Their true intention is to deal a heavy blow to Xinjiang"s cotton textile industry, disrupt prosperity and stability in the region and hold back China"s development.

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