
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
第二,挑拨中国与穆斯林国家关系。美方不要忘了,恰恰是包括沙特、阿联酋、埃及、伊朗、叙利亚、巴基斯坦等穆斯林国家在内的64个国家在联合国人权理事会第46届会议上共同发声,支持中方在涉疆问题上的立场。不久前,上海合作组织秘书长及21个国家驻华使节和外交官赴新疆访问,表示通过亲身经历和所见所闻,认为美西方反华势力对新疆的污蔑之辞毫无根据,理解支持新疆反恐和去极端化努力,赞赏新疆社会当前经济稳定繁荣、发展成就前所未有。事实上,穆斯林国家和国际社会有识之士都对美国挑拨离间的邪恶阴谋不买账。美国一些人关心的根本不是新疆的人权,而是企图利用穆斯林民众的宗教感情,在中国和穆斯林国家之间打楔子。 Second, sowing discord between China and Muslim countries. We would like to remind the US that 64 countries, including Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Iran, Syria and Pakistan, spoke with one voice at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council to support China on Xinjiang-related issues. Not long ago, SCO Secretary-General and ambassadors and other diplomats posted in China by 21 countries went to visit Xinjiang. After seeing the region as it is, they came to the conclusion that slanders against China by anti-China elements are groundless. They understand and support Xinjiang"s counter-terrorism and de-radicalization efforts, and commend its stability, prosperity and unprecedented development achievements. As the fact has shown, the vicious US conspiracy to sow discord has no effect whatsoever on Muslim countries and visionary people of the international community. Instead of caring about the human rights of people in Xinjiang, some in the US are taking advantage of the religious sentiments of Muslims to drive wedges between China and Muslim countries.

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