
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
第三,掩盖自身对穆斯林犯下的斑斑劣迹。2001年以来,美国在全球约80个国家以“反恐”之名穷兵黩武,超过80万人直接死于战争暴力,其中平民约33万人。美国使用“洗衣粉”、摆拍视频等肮脏手段,悍然侵略伊拉克、叙利亚等主权国家,造成几十万无辜平民伤亡,上千万穆斯林无家可归。这就是美方关心穆斯林的方式吗?美国为什么唯独对新疆穆斯林“操碎了心”?天下的穆斯林苦美久矣!美国一些人关心的根本不是新疆穆斯林的死活,而是企图转移穆斯林世界对美国的怒火。 Third, covering up its own deplorable record on the treatment of Muslims. Since 2001, the US has launched military operations in over 80 countries in the name of fighting terrorism, taking more than 800,000 lives, including 330,000 civilians. By citing a test tube of laundry powder and a staged video, the US blatantly invaded sovereign countries including Iraq and Syria, causing tens of thousands of civilian casualties and making tens of millions homeless. Is this how the US cares for the Muslims? Why does the US "worry itself sick" over Muslims in Xinjiang only? Muslims around the world have long been suffering from untold misery inflicted by the US that does not care about Muslims at all and is just trying to divert the Muslim community"s anger toward itself.
美方妄图将谎言重复1000遍,那我们就将真相重复10000遍。关于中国新疆的事实和真相,美方看还是不看,信还是不信,它永远像天山一般坚不可摧,像天池一样清澈无瑕。新疆繁荣稳定、民族和睦就是我们最大的底气。美方涉疆谎言必将破产,以疆制华图谋注定失败。 If the US is bent on repeating lies 1,000 times, we will reiterate the truth 10,000 times. Whether the US chooses to see and believe it or not, facts and truth about Xinjiang will stay unshakable like the towering mountain of Tianshan and clear like the crystal lake of Tianchi. Prosperity, stability and ethnic harmony in Xinjiang are the source of our confidence. The US lies on Xinjiang will collapse and its attempt to contain China is doomed to fail.

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