
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
一个中国原则是中美关系的政治基础。《中美建交公报》明确规定:“美国人民将同台湾人民保持文化、商务和其他非官方关系”。这是过去40多年中美关系发展的前提。所谓“美台交往指导方针”公然鼓励美国政府与台湾接触,严重违反一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,严重违背美方在台湾问题上向中方作出的严肃政治承诺,向“台独”分裂势力发出严重错误信号。中方对此坚决反对,已向美方提出严正交涉。 Zhao Lijian: The one-China principle is the political foundation of China-US relations. As the China-US Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations clearly stipulates, "The people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan." This is the premise for China and the US to develop bilateral relations over the past four decades or so. The so-called guidelines for U.S. government interaction with Taiwan counterparts blatantly encourages U.S. government engagement with Taiwan, which severely violates the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués and runs counter to the serious political commitment the US has made to China on the Taiwan question.
台湾问题事关中国主权和领土完整,涉及中方核心利益。中方没有任何妥协退让空间。我们敦促美方认清形势,切实恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,不要在台湾问题上“玩火”,立即停止任何形式的美台官方往来,慎重妥善处理涉台问题,不向“台独”势力发出错误信号,以免给中美关系和台海和平稳定造成颠覆性的影响和破坏。 The Taiwan question concerns China"s sovereignty, territorial integrity and core interests. There is zero room for compromise and not an inch to give. We urge the U.S. side to grasp the situation, earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, refrain from playing with fire, immediately stop official contact with Taiwan in any form, prudently and properly handle Taiwan-related issues, and avoid sending any wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces, lest it should shake the foundation of China-US relations and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

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