
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视


彭博社记者:有消息说,美国财长耶伦称,不会在其任内首份半年度外汇报告中将中国列为“汇率操纵国”。中方对此有何评论? Bloomberg: I have a question regarding the RMB. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will decline to name China as a currency manipulator in her first semiannual foreign-exchange report, according to people familiar with the matter. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on this? 赵立坚:中方没有把汇率作为工具来应对贸易争端等外部扰动。
Zhao Lijian: China has not used currency exchange rate as a tool to deal with external disruptions like trade disputes.
中新社记者:4月9日,美国国务院发言人发表声明称,美国务院对“美台交往指导方针”重审后,已发布新的指导方针,放松与台湾交往的限制,鼓励美国政府与台湾接触,以体现双方不断深化的非官方关系。新指导方针为落实一个中国政策提供了清晰遵循。中方对此有何评论? China News Service: US State Department spokesperson said in a statement on April 9 that following a review as set forth in the Taiwan Assurance Act, the State Department has issued new guidelines to liberalize guidance on contacts with Taiwan and encourage U.S. government engagement with Taiwan that reflects its deepening unofficial relationship. Do you have any response? 赵立坚:

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