
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
外空安全问题是全人类的共同挑战,没有国家可以独善其身。确保外空和平利用,防止外空武器化和军备竞赛,不仅符合各国共同利益,也是各国共同责任。中方一向积极倡导防止外空军备竞赛,与俄方共同积极推动谈判具有法律约束力的外空军控条约,以从根本上解决外空安全面临的挑战。中俄2008年向裁谈会提交、2014年更新的外空军控条约草案得到国际上越来越多的国家支持。我们呼吁国际社会在此基础上尽早启动谈判并达成外空军控条约,从根本上维护外空安全。 The issue of space security is a challenge to us all. No country can keep itself away from it. To ensure the peaceful use of outer space and prevent weaponization and arms race in space is in the interests of all countries and also a shared responsibility. China has been calling actively for the prevention of arms race in outer space. Together with Russia, we have been promoting negotiation on a legally-binding international instrument on outer space arms control to provide a fundamental solution to the issue of security in outer space. In 2008, we jointly submitted a draft treaty on prevention of arms race in outer space to the Conference on Disarmament, which was later updated in 2014. It is getting more and more support internationally. We call on the international community to start negotiation using it as a basis at an early date to conclude a treaty on outer space arms control to underpin space security.

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