
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
日本广播协会记者:我也想问福岛核电站的核废水处理问题。核设施正常运转时一般都会产生氚,根据各国标准稀释后排放到海洋和大气中。据报道,韩国及欧美等世界各地的核设施都有氚的排放情况,中国大亚湾核电站也曾在2002年排放了42万亿贝克勒尔的氚。日本政府的计划是将废水稀释至世卫组织用水标准的七分之一后再排放。所以日本国内的反对意见大部分也不是针对健康影响,而是担心因排放导致经济损失。我认为这个问题需要科学客观的判断。中方对此有何评论? NHK: Also a question on the Fukushima wastewater disposal. Nuclear facilities produce tritium during normal operation, which is diluted based on national standards before discharge into the sea and air. Such discharge has been reported in the ROK, in Europe and the US. In China, 42 trillion becquerels of tritium was released by the Dayawan nuclear power plant in 2002. The Japanese government"s plan is to dilute the wastewater to one seventh of the WHO standard before discharge. So the opposition in Japan is not based on health impact, but on worries of economic losses. I personally believe that this issue calls for science-based and objective judgment. Do you have a comment? 赵立坚:
福岛第一核电站发生了最高等级的核事故,其产生的废水同正常运行的核电站废水完全是两码事,否则这些年日方也就没有必要用罐子把这些水严密封装起来了。二者不能混为一谈。 Zhao Lijian: The wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station after the highest-level nuclear accident is entirely different from the wastewater produced from the normal operation of nuclear power plants. Otherwise it would not have been necessary for Japan to seal the wastewater in tanks for the past years. No comparison can be drawn between the two. 此前,国际原子能机构专家组评估报告指出,如果福岛核电站含氚废水排入海洋,将对周边国家海洋环境和公众健康造成影响,同时现有经过处理的废水中仍含有其他放射性核素,需进一步净化处理。

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