
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
日本福岛核电站事故核废水处置问题事关国际海洋环境、食品安全和人类健康。国际权威机构和专家明确指出,福岛核电站含氚废水排入海洋,将对周边国家海洋环境和公众健康造成影响,同时现有经过处理的废水中仍含有其他放射性核素,需进一步净化处理。 Zhao Lijian: The disposal of wastewater from Japan"s Fukushima nuclear plant accident concerns international marine environment, food safety and human health. As as been pointed out by authoritative institutions and experts, if the wastewater containing tritium from the Fukushima nuclear plant is discharged into the sea, it will affect the marine environment and people"s health of neighboring countries and that the treated wastewater needs to be further purified to remove other radionuclides.
美方向来重视环境问题,希望美方在真正的环境问题上对事不对人,不要让这个重视被打上引号。 The US always attaches high importance to environmental issues. We hope it will remain objective on this matter, or its commitment to environmental protection may be questioned.



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