
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视


总台央广记者:日本政府今日正式决定以海洋排放方式处置福岛核电站事故核废水。我们注意到,此前中方已两次发声,对此表达关切。请问中方对日方的正式决定有何评论? CNR: The Japanese government today formally decided to discharge nuclear wastewater from Fukushima nuclear plant accident into the sea. We know China has expressed concern in two statements. I wonder if you have a comment on the formal decision by the Japanese side? 赵立坚:
4月13日,日本政府决定以海洋排放方式处置福岛核电站事故核废水。作为日本近邻和利益攸关方,中方对此表示严重关切。 Zhao Lijian: On April 13, the Japanese government decided to dispose of the nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant accident by discharging it into the sea. As a close neighbor and stakeholder, the Chinese side expresses grave concern over this.
福岛核事故是迄今全球发生的最严重核事故之一,造成大量放射性物质泄漏,对海洋环境、食品安全和人类健康产生了深远影响。日方在没有穷尽安全处置手段的情况下,不顾国内外质疑和反对,未经与周边国家和国际社会充分协商,单方面决定以排海方式处置福岛核电站事故核废水,这种做法极其不负责任,将严重损害国际公共健康安全和周边国家人民切身利益。 The Fukushima nuclear accident is one of the most serious in world history. The leak of large amounts of radioactive materials has had far-reaching implications on the marine environment, food safety and human health. Despite doubts and opposition from home and abroad, Japan has unilaterally decided to release the Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the sea before exhausting all safe ways of disposal and without fully consulting with neighboring countries and the international community. This is highly irresponsible and will severely affect human health and the immediate interests of people in neighboring countries.

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