
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
An arrogant, ego-inflated son of a bitch.
I wish you were alive so I could kill you. Rot in hell!
我希望你还活着让我能杀了你 下地狱吧!
Now I"d like to call on Isaac"s son, Dr. Ben Sobel
现在我想请他的儿子 本医生
who would like to say a few words.
Who the hell would have a cell phone in here?
It"s yours. Answer it before they notice.
是你的 快断 别被人看到
Hello? Guess who, you fuck?
喂? 猜猜是谁 小子?
I have to take this. What?
我必须接 什么?
I"m sorry. It"s mine. I have to take this.
对不起 是我的 我必须接
Yes? I left three fucking messages.
什么事? 我3个该死的留言
You don"t call me back? This is not a good time.
你竟然不回? 现在时间不合适
Not a good time? Let me explain something, I"m in fucking hell right now.
时间不合适? 听我说 我现在象在地狱
This is not a good time. This is a very bad time. My father died.
现在不合适 非常不方便 我父亲死了
Get off.
I have to go. Don"t you hang up on me, you
我必须挂断 你敢挂断我 你
Call back. They"re trying to kill me.

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