2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
CosaNostra 比萨大学的分析师得出结论,这只是人性,你无法修复它,因此他们寻求快速廉价的技术修复:智能盒子。披萨盒现在是一个塑料外壳,波纹状以增加硬度,侧面有一个发光的小 LED 读数,告诉快递员自从那通致命的电话以来已经过去了多少造成贸易失衡的分钟。里面有薯条什么的。比萨饼,一小叠,放在送货员脑袋后面的槽里。每个比萨都像电路板一样滑入计算机的插槽中,当智能盒子与送货员汽车的车载系统连接时,会咔嗒一声固定到位。来电者的地址已经从他的电话号码中推断出来,并倒入智能盒子的内置RAM中。从那里它被传送到汽车,汽车计算并在平视显示器上投影最佳路线,在挡风玻璃上描绘出一张发光的彩色地图,这样交付者甚至不必低头看一眼。
If the thirty-minute deadline expires, news of the disaster is flashed to CosaNostra Pizza Headquarters and relayed from there to Uncle Enzo himself_the Sicilian Colonel Sanders, the Andy Griffith of Bensonhurst, the straight razor-swinging figment of many a Deliverator"s nightmares, the Capo and prime figurehead of CosaNostra Pizza, Incorporated-who will be on the phone to the customer within five minutes, apologizing profusely. The next day, Uncle Enzo will land on the customer"s yard in a jet helicopter and apologize some more and give him a free trip to Italy— all he has to do is sign a bunch of releases that make him a public figure and spokesperson for CosaNostra Pizza and basically end his private life as he knows it. He will come away from the whole thing feeling that, somehow, he owes the Mafia a favor.
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