
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
海洋孕育了生命、联通了世界、促进了发展。中方愿同各方一道,以联合国开启“海洋十年”为契机,加强合作,共同推动海洋科技革新,提升海洋治理能力,落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程。 Oceans are the cradle of life. They connect our world and promote development. China stands ready to work with all sides to build on the momentum of the launch of the UN Ocean Decade, strengthen cooperation, promote innovation in marine science and technology, enhance maritime governance capability, and implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
CNR: According to Japanese media reports, the Japan Foundation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan sponsored visits to Japan in 2008 for Chinese individuals with some influence in public opinion and media sector. Some netizens accused the participants of promoting Japanese propaganda. I wonder if you have a comment?
汪文斌:我注意到有关报道。国与国之间以各种形式开展人员互访交流的做法在国际关系实践中普遍存在。中日互为重要的近邻,两国人员往来十分密切。中日邦交正常化以来的近半个世纪里,双方由政府支持推动的人员交流不胜枚举,为两国关系发展作出了积极贡献。双方近年还确立了5年安排两国3万名青少年双向互访的交流计划,两国政府支持的青少年学生双向研学旅行活动也在规划筹备之中,将在疫情结束后陆续付诸实施。我们希望通过中日间持续健康稳定的人员交流,实现增进理解、建立信任、深化友谊的目标。 Wang Wenbin: I note relevant reports. It is common practice in international relations to engage in various forms of exchange of visits. As important close neighbors, China and Japan see a lot of personnel exchange. Since the normalization of relations nearly half a century ago, the two sides have supported and facilitated numerous programs of people-to-people exchange, which made a positive contribution to the growth of relations. A couple of years ago, the two sides agreed to arrange mutual visits for 30,000 young people in five years. A two-way study and travel program for young students backed by both governments is also being drawn up and will be carried out gradually after the pandemic is brought to an end. We hope that through sustained, sound and steady people-to-people exchange between the two countries, we will be able to enhance mutual understanding, build up trust and deepen friendship.

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