
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视


彭博社记者:第一个问题是,澳大利亚总理莫里森表示他将在下周的峰会上寻求与七国集团达成更紧密的联系。外交部对莫里森所称“观念相近民主国家”可能开展更大合作有何评论?第二个问题是,美白宫国安会“印太”事务协调员坎贝尔表示全球对中国政策的强烈反对“只能归咎于中国”。他还表示,“给中国制造最多麻烦的国家不是美国,而是中国自己”。外交部对此有何评论? Bloomberg: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has indicated he will seek tighter ties with G7 countries at a summit next week. Does the ministry have any comments on the possibility of greater cooperation among what Morrison calls like-minded democracies? The second question is that, the White House"s top official for Asia, Kurt Campbell, has said that China has itself to blame for a global backlash against its policies. He said "the country that has done the most to create problems for China is not the US but China". Does the foreign ministry have any comment? 汪文斌:
关于你提到的第一个问题,七国集团和有关国家作为发达国家,率先享受全球化发展红利,应当为推动国际抗疫合作和世界经济复苏、帮助发展中国家加快发展多做实事,而不是在国际社会中制造矛盾和分歧,干扰全球经济复苏和国际抗疫合作大局。 Wang Wenbin: On your first question, G7 and relevant developed countries are the first to reap the benefit from global development, and should thus do more to advance international anti-epidemic cooperation, promote world economic recovery and help developing countries achieved faster growth, instead of stoking differences and disputes in the international community and disrupting global recovery and solidarity against the coronavirus.

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