
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
关于你提到的第二个问题,我注意到坎贝尔先生说全球对中国政策强烈反对,我想这个说法用来形容美国自己最为恰当。近期有关民意调查显示,53个国家和地区的5万多名受访者认为,美国是对全球民主的最大威胁;44%的受访者认为,美国对本国的民主构成威胁。阿拉伯世界最大规模的民意调查结果显示,58%的受访人对美国外交政策持否定态度;81%的受访者认为美国是对阿拉伯世界安全的主要威胁。美方有关人士习惯于以国际社会代言人自居,但事实是,美国代表不了国际社会,只能代表美国自己。 On your second question, we noted that Mr. Campbell said that China has only itself to blame for a global backlash against its policies. We believe this argument suits the realities in the US best. A recent poll surveying over 50,000 respondents in 53 countries and regions suggests that the US is seen as the biggest threat to global democracy and 44% of the respondents consider the US to be a threat to their democracy.The results of the largest opinion poll in the Arab world shows that around 58% of the respondents held negative views of US foreign policy towards Arab countries and 81% believed that the US poses a major threat to the Arab world security. Some in the US habitually consider the US as a spokesperson for the international community. However, the fact is, the US can not speak for the international community; it can only speak for itself.

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